Senator Graham shared his prediction over efforts to block the President's declaration
Day Five of President Donald Trump's 'National Emergency'
Duckworth claims there are enough votes in the senate to block the declaration
Miller was unable to respond to Wallace's demands on the Sunday talk show.
Schiff says 'there will be little check and no balance left' over presidential 'dare'
The comedy show called his emergency 'fake,' so Trump punched back.
Trump's lawyers railed against President Obama's actions but they appear to have changed their tune with a change in the Oval Office’s occupant.
Trump wrongly announces that "the probably easiest" case "to win, is on declaring a national emergency."
"I could do the wall over a longer period of time – I didn't need to do this – but I wanted to do it faster."
"The powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned," Miller infamously said in 2017.
Watch how "Fox & Friends" spins this.
"Why don't you declare that emergency, Mr. President?"
Senator John Hoeven sees the possibility of President Trump declaring a national emergency