“Cissie” Graham Lynch is following in the footsteps of her father, far right wing evangelical Franklin Graham, delivering an ugly and hate-filled attack on transgender girls on...
After President Donald Trump pardoned former reality show star and convicted felon Angela Stanton-King she announced her run for Congress, challenging civil rights leader and Democratic...
Anti-LGBTQ activist Franklin Graham says he’s not homophobic, but he is calling LGBTQ activists “truthophobic” and “free-speech-ophobic.” Graham is once again blasting activists in the UK...
Clemons could become the first openly LGBTQ person on the Memphis City Council.
Says LGBTQ People Should Not Receive Taxpayer Dollars, Says They 'Choose to Be a Homosexual,' and Claims Gay People "Love" Being in Jail
Homophobic Hate-Preaching Pastor Insists He Was Taken Out of Context – Because He Was Quoted
"The best thing for us was what we did. And that’s what we’re sticking with."
Law enforcement officer had called for the government to execute all gay people in order to "enforce Leviticus."
'Sick of Sodomy Getting Crammed Down Our Throats'
DA refuses to resign.
To fix nation's problems we need to "kill the problem out," and "without killing them out there’s no way to fix it."
“It’s a behavior, and it’s a choice,” Hill says of being gay.
Facing pressure, Amazon is barring Nazi and other white nationalist products on their site.
Republican Congressman was a spokesperson for an anti-gay hate group.
Says "God understands our prayers even when we can't find the words to say them."