The Amazingly Queer Race for Economic Justice, a “competitive, clue-based scavenger hunt across New York City,” takes place Saturday, May 14 — and if you’re in...
John Boehner, the Republican Speaker of the House, the man next in line for the presidency after the Vice President, the man who spent the better...
“China is in control of the Panama Canal,” according to Rep. Allen West (R-FL), who delivered the shocking news last week in a Florida town hall....
Presents U.S. LGBT Movement New Opportunity To Forge Progressive Political Agenda With Allies From Madison to Tripoli, the conventional understanding of political order at home and...
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release                                                          April 20, 2011   REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT A FACEBOOK TOWN HALL  ...
Complete text and video. The president is a very funny guy. “I am told that the last three speakers here have been the Pope, her Majesty...
In Ontario, the race for Premier — the leader of that Canadian province — has been marred by something very rare: negative campaign ads, and anti-gay...
Happy Ground Hog Day! Today is the day the American people across the country — suffering from one of the harshest winters in memory — have...
The GOP in the House and Senate, for the better part of a year now, have been promising they would focus on “jobs, jobs, jobs!” If...
You may have heard conservative columnist and FOX News contributor Michelle Malkin, who appears several times a week, usually on Sean Hannity’s FOX “News” show, tell...
Ah, you know, sometimes I miss the good ole days. Like the good ole days of this blog, when I first started writing about Michelle Malkin,...
You’ve heard the growing roar, with the crescendo unleashed by supposed moderate GOP Senator Lindsey Graham this week: the fourteenth amendment is ‘outdated.’ There’s been growing...
“Assimilation and the Founding Fathers,” Michelle Malkin’s Independence Day diatribe over at Human Events, focused on the president’s immigration speech, and ends with, “Many of us...
I’ve been working to try to understand the recent arguments America’s Right Wing has been trying to make against marriage equality. If you have been following...
Yes, that’s right. I’m not kidding. The National Organization for Marriage’s Maggie Gallagher just published, in the National Review, “Is Gay Marriage Inevitable?” In it, she...