The House was all set to vote on and pass the stop-gap bill today.
Welcome to Republican governance.
Right wing extremists, from Ann Coulter to Rush Limbaugh and others are scorching the president.
Economics professor who did say – not satirically – that people with HIV "should not look to the public dole" for help is a self-described "proud...
Europe Is Not Burning Either
“We should not have been homeschooling. It was a really bad idea for us, but we believed firmly that it was our obligation, that it would...
"I'm not 'suggesting' that the Fake Bombs are a liberal hoax. I'm saying it as explicitly as possible."
We also should look at who's pushing the "Joy Reid is a homophobe" lie.
Up Not Out?
'How Could Conservative Media Figures Not Have Felt - Felt in Their Hearts and Bones - the God-Awful Ickiness of It?'
Hannity Attacks 'Liberal Snowflakes' and Tells Ted Koppel 'Liberalism Has to Be Defeated'
"The horrible #SwedenIncident was a copycat attack of the Bowling Green Massacre."
Olbermann Takes on 'Scum of the Earth' Donald Trump and It's Glorious
Christian Conservatives Howl and Clap at GOP Congressman Mocking Former Secretary of State
'Brooke and Jubal' Features Phone Calls from Effeminate, Sexualized Caricature Gay Man