A New Cold War, Jihadi Terrorism Destabilizing the Global Economy, President Donald Trump
Anti-Gay Christian Activist Says LGBT Civil Rights Are 'Garbage'
The Harlem church whose pastor says "Jesus would stone homos" and Starbucks puts the semen of gay men in its lattes is about to go up...
Editors Say Sanders' Policies Are Unachievable, Have 'No Chance Of Being Approved' By Congress
Donald Trump wasn't at the State of the Union but his politics of hate and fear were one of the main subjects.
Jamie Lee Curtis, Robert DeNiro, Dennis Rodman, Mark Ruffalo, Susan Sarandon, Charlie Sheen, and more. Guess who these celebrities are endorsing for president?
Turns Out Twitter Account Is Fake
Ret. Major General Robert Dees Says Gays In The Military Are 'Degrading' America's Physical And Moral Readiness
Donald Trump shocked MSNBC hosts by praising Vladimir Putin and saying he's better than Barack Obama, despite the murdering of political opponents.
The Russian president offers strong praise of his fellow billionaire, calling him "tremendous."
Marco Rubio is literally campaigning for the bigot vote, and he literally calls it that in his new campaign ad just released today.
It's stunning that a woman hasn't graced the cover of TIME as Person of the Year in almost three decades.
The Best Parts Of Donald Trump On SNL Were The Parts Without Trump - Donald Trump hosting Saturday Night Live got terrible reviews, but SNL's political...
Some candidates in this year's GOP presidential field have gained a reputation for lying. But did any one of them not tell at least one falsehood,...
Now that the Vatican has distanced itself from Kim Davis, saying it feels a "sense of regret" over the Pope's meeting with her, who's to blame...