NOM, the National Organization for Marriage, aside from being a small group of evil bigots and fear-mongers, hate-mongers who use religion instead of the constitution as...
The Right Network is a media attempt to give credibility to right-wing hate and fear-mongering, conservative bigotry, and Republican talking points. Crescendoing in silence, the biggest...
Gallup released their latest generic ballot poll today, the same one that spread like wildfire last week and found an historic ten point spread between Democrats...
Leading up to Congressional debate on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell†earlier this year, SLDN organized “Stories from the Frontlines: Letters to President Barack Obama,†a new...
I told you so. If you believed that a Democratic president, with a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate was all we needed to pass repeal...
Leading up to Congressional debate on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell†earlier this year, SLDN organized “Stories from the Frontlines: Letters to President Barack Obama,†a new...
Leading up to Congressional debate on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell†earlier this year, SLDN organized “Stories from the Frontlines: Letters to President Barack Obama,†a new...
In which country? AmericaBlog’s John Aravosis writes “of a White House meeting last week with state-based equality groups.” “Brian Bond, Deputy Director of the White House...
Leading up to Congressional debate on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell†earlier this year, SLDN organized “Stories from the Frontlines: Letters to President Barack Obama,†a new...
Leading up to Congressional debate on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” earlier this year, SLDN organized “Stories from the Frontlines: Letters to President Barack Obama,†a new...
When the US pulled all combat troops out of Iraq Wednesday, conservatives were angrily surprised that Obama had kept a promise he made. Many, however, started...
My better half, Caleb Eigsti, and I just finished a week in Las Vegas, where we attended our first Netroots Nation. The conference claims it “amplifies...
The GOP, which spent the George W. Bush years, and the American people’s hard-earned money, turning a Clinton budget surplus into a monstrous deficit, has spent...
A new Harris Interactive survey just released finds that gay men and lesbians are more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to read and write blogs, and...
Has former-President George W. Bush followed in his wife Laura’s footsteps, and joined Twitter? While it’s not yet a “verified account,” he has tweeted three times,...