Speaker Denounces 'Homosexualist Gay Terrorism'
GOP Chairwoman Calls for Republicans to Send Alabama's Roy Moore to the US Senate
When It Comes to HB2, Pat McCrory Is His Own Worst Enemy. Well, After the U.S. Constitution.
Mike Huckabee tried to get out of the "little issue" of the Confederate flag by comparing the responses in Ferguson and Charleston.
The American Family Association's David Lane is teaming up with Republican governor Bobby Jindal to remake the face of American politics into the face of Jesus.
If it is news to you that the gay GOP group GOProud did not support same-sex marriage equality, you’re not alone. GOProud, the Tea Party branch...
This morning President Barack Obama delivered remarks at a memorial and interfaith service for the Boston Marathon victims their families. “You will run again,” the President...
Recently-retired Democratic Congressman Barney Frank says he supports the immigration reform bill that does not contain protections for LGBT binational couples, which the Senate Judiciary Committee passed...
A Missouri hospital is under fire after using their security guards to handcuff and eject a gay man who was merely visiting his same-sex partner. Roger...
Gary Bauer told the audience at the Values Voters Summit that President Obama’s voters are mostly welfare recipients. Bauer, the former president of the Family Research Council, which...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};U.S. Senator Marco Rubio says he’s “not a scientist” so he doesn’t know how old the earth really is. So, rather than listen...
A representative of the uber-conservative Heritage Foundation said that voting is a “privilege,” and suggested it is not a right. Israel Ortega, who “serves as The...
Rush Limbaugh today strongly suggested that (what he claims is) President Obama‘s “constant warfare on bosses and so forth might have led this guy to pull...
Michele Bachmann, head of the Congressional Tea Party caucus and a former presidential candidate who withdrew from the race in January, has had a devastating week....
During last night’s vice presidential debate, Congressman Paul Ryan lied 24 times. From terrorism to Medicare to Social Security to Israel to Obamacare to unemployment to...