Eric Bolling at Fox News Business didn’t like the comments a spokesperson for an atheist group was making, and kicked him off the show. So much for fair...
Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum Wednesday, in response to HLN’s Joy Behar’s statement that “Rick Santorum … seems like a big homophobe,” denied the claim and brushed...
In Troy, Michigan, two women and their kids confronted the mayor at a city council meeting. Last summer, that mayor posted to Facebook – will people...
Herman Cain‘s popularity numbers continue to rise because GOP voters simply don’t care that he may or may not have harassed a half-dozen women. Which says...
The GOP’s electoral strategy requires Ron Popeil, not Abraham Lincoln. Now that I think about it, the GOP may have found exactly the man they are looking...
A majority of Americans say they will never vote for Sarah Palin or Donald Trump for president, according to a new Quinnipiac poll. The divisive pair both...
Dear Herman Cain,  I’m writing this letter to you because you need to be told off, and I’m the one to do it. You see,...
President Obama yesterday declared “unconstitutional” the Defense of Marriage Act, also known as DOMA, and said he and the DOJ would no longer defend the fifteen-year...
Is Dan Savage the reason Senator Scott Brown snubbed his fellow Massachusetts Congressmen and Senators’ It Gets Better video? Brown was the only member of Massachusetts’...
CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, every year holds a straw poll to determine who its members want as their next Republican presidential nominee. The actual...
CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, is an event held annually by a group of American right-wing conservative extremists, hell-bent on taking down Barack Obama and the...
Rick Perry sees no separation of church and state, and wants to minister as president. There are countries that have their head of state as their...
Michele Bachmann is currently campaigning for the Republican 2012 nomination for President. With her Tea Party views espoused on a regular basis, Bachmann has received vast...
Mitch Daniels, the current Republican Governor of Indiana, announced Sunday morning he will not run for President in 2012. The 62 year-old Presbyterian is best-known for...
A just-released Marist Poll reveals good news for Democrats, bad news for the GOP. A hypothetical matchup among registered voters right now between President Obama and...