A defiant and emotional Kim Davis holds a press conference. Video.
Kim Davis is scheduled to return to work minutes from now, and is about to issue a statement.
Kim Davis once again has been told no by a federal judge, but this time, the irony is exquisite.
Kim Davis claims she has sustained "irreparable injury" in a lawsuit she filed against the governor of Kentucky, because he told her to do her job.
The group that battled federal marshals at the Cliven Bundy ranch has sent its members to protect Kim Davis from arrest.
Mike Huckabee will be getting an official cease and desist letter after his campaign used the famous "Eye Of The Tiger" song without authorization, Survivor's co-founder...
Kim Davis won't be back in the office until Monday, Until then she's catching up on her mail.
One same-sex couple says no matter what, their entire memory of their wedding will be "tainted" because of Davis' actions.
Supporters of Kim Davis reveal exactly what we've known all along - this was never about "religious liberty."
Mika Brzezinski isn't putting up with Mike Huckabee any longer.
Fox News' Shepard Smith cut in on Tuesday's rally for Kim Davis to tell viewers just exactly who her supporters really are.
All the support GOP presidential candidates have given Kim Davis is not going to win them huge support from voters.
Minutes after Kim Davis was released from jail, she walked onto a stage to the sound of Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger."
Kim Davis, free from prison, addresses her supporters, and thanks God.
Kim Davis' attorney is working hard to ensure her case remains in the public eye and in the legal system.