An attorney for one of Kim Davis' deputy clerks says that Davis' actions may violate a federal judge's orders to not interfere.
An Alabama probate judge who is refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples is demanding legal protection from the state supreme court.
It's time for someone to start keeping score of how many times a court has denied motions from Kim Davis and her attorneys - but there's...
Mike Huckabee went into a rage over a question about Kim Davis at the GOP debate, showing America just how crazed the religious right has become.
Rick Santorum's anti-gay rhetoric caught up with him at Wednesday night's GOP debate. It didn't go well.
One again a federal court has refused a motion Kim Davis made, making her losing streak even longer.
The Tide ad that's gone viral over the past 24 hours - the one mocking Kim Davis and the religious right? Well, here's why you won't...
"The simplest way to think about this is to agree that all of us have a right to worship, but that right ends at the tips...
Kim Davis has little support in America, even among groups who traditionally might have supported her actions, a new poll released today finds.
Tide is bold enough to make this pro-gay commercial, but are they brave enough to air it on television?
The religious right's martyr machine now kicks into high gear, with its new Kim Davis marketing mania.
Standing in front of Kim Davis' supporters' posters espousing anti-gay hate, her attorney calls her "brave."
Kim Davis returned to work today, and minutes ago a same-sex couple became the first to get a marriage license with her present. Davis' Christian supporters...
Mat Staver has compared Kim Davis to Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., and now, to President Abraham Lincoln.
Rick Santorum this morning made several false statements, including claiming the Supreme Court's marriage ruling is not the law of the land.