"It's not 'infanticide,' it is murder, if you take the baby home and kill the baby at home, it's murder – the same is true at the...
Chechnya has begun the torture of LGBTQ people, creating the first concentration camps in Europe since World War II.
Texas candidate Larry Kilgore endorses the murder and torture of gays, transgender people, and others.
In 2009 Brownback Refused to Comment When Asked if 'Homosexual Conduct' Should Be Criminalized
'We Want Gun Control - When Do We Want It? Now!'
Roy Moore Has Appeared on Radio Show of Pastor Who Calls for Gays People to Be Executed and Says That AIDS Is 'God's Retribution'
'We Will Put the Whole World on Its Knees and Screw It From Behind' Says Chechen Strongman Kadyrov
'No Victims of Persecution, Threats or Violence' Russian Attaché Claims
Families Are Killing Their Own While Donald Trump Remains Silent
'I Shouldn't Have to Come Back to Where I Sleep and Worry About What I'm Going to See'
Gay Men Across Chechnya Are Sharing Stories of Kidnapping and Torture
Cotton Filibustered an Obama Nominee Who Literally Died Waiting Over Two Years to Be Confirmed
Although BSA Lifted National Ban, But Most Troops Still Bar LGBT Leaders Thanks To Religious Exemption
'Declaration of Dependence on God' to Appear in Newspaper Ads Nationwide
Prominent Anti-Government 9/11 Truther and Conspiracy Theorist Said Attack Would 'Use His Weapons as the Founding Fathers Intended'