"Every day the American people and Congress learn more about President Trump’s improprieties," with "all roads leading back to President Trump’s finances."
Among Republicans' claims is Cohen lied when he said: "I did not want to go to the White House."
The Speaker appears to suggest the Congressman is in violation of House ethics rules, and implies he could be subject to prosecution.
"We want to know if Ivanka complied with the law.”
Swanky suite features five bedrooms and seven baths, while there's a waterfall in the building.
The Knives Are Out for Rosenstein. And Now There's a Path.
'How Do You Have Any Job if You Have Credible Allegations of Domestic Abuse?'
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) has demanded the release of a secret memo that reveals the war powers President Donald Trump believes he legally possesses.
'There Is a Time to Come and a Time to Go' Powerful Congressman Says
Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina has resigned from the House Ethics Committee pending Speaker Paul Ryan's designation of a replacement.
John McCain Says 'Any American Who Meets Current Medical & Readiness Standards Should Be Allowed to Continue Serving'
'It Is Time' Says Utah Republican
'He Has Tainted the Committee'
'Solemn Responsibility'
'Disciplinary Action Serves to Deter Future Misconduct'