"Fired a Catholic chaplain for praying for the poor."
"He does deny that he’s done anything wrong in his service to the country."
"So Sean Hannity has been using his perch at Fox News to rail against the investigation into someone who he didn't disclose was his own lawyer."
'Lord Knows I Take My Fair Share of Attacks and I’m Okay With That. It’s What We Signed Up For' Lahren Says
The “60 Minutes” interview with actress Stephanie Clifford, better known as Stormy Daniels, is now playing on CBS—and Twitter is more than ready. Transcripts hit the...
Stormy Daniels bombshell interview is scheduled to air on 60 Minutes tonight, but a transcript is already circulating. Much of the information was already known, but...
The attorney representing adult film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, took to Twitter early Sunday to call tonight’s “60 Minutes” exclusive just the...
Trump tweets announcement moments after news breaks
Hardliner John Bolton will replace H.R. McMaster as President Trump’s National Security Advisor, his third in 15 months. I am pleased to announce that, effective 4/9/18,...
Trump Cabinet Secretary With History of Wasting Taxpayer Funds Under Spotlight Again
Fox News fans are sick and tired of seeing students at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School call for stronger gun laws.
Kelly's Responses Have Been All Over the Map
Right Wing Manufactured Derangement Designed to Discredit Russia Investigation Only Discredits Right Wing
'Stupidest Thing to Happen to Congress in Three Weeks'
The White House is the Swamp