In its January 22, 2012 article, “G.O.P. Ventures Into Florida, a State Harder to Pigeonhole,” the New York Times used two propagandistic euphemisms to describe political...
Kirk Cameron, the radical religious extremist and former teen star of “Growing Pains” met with criticism from, well, everyone, for his anti-gay, homophobic, and remarkably incendiary...
Mark Regnerus’ so-called  study of children of gay parents has  failed the rigorous  standards demanded by  academic peer review and his work is now under heightened...
A gay Utah father is frustrated that his local school board, which elected to pull a picture book from elementary school library shelves because it included...
Pastor Sean Harris, who railed against homosexuality and told parents during Sunday’s service that they should beat their four-year old boys who showed any signs of...
 A Landmark occasion for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender human rights. Guest post by Peter Dunne, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission  At the...
Perry Hints He’s Quitting GOP Race In a dead-heat three-way tie almost the entire evening, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, and Mitt Romney all averaged about 25%...
   President Obama last night spoke at an LGBT fundraiser in the home of a same-sex couple, Karen Dixon and Dr. Nan Schaffer, in NorthwestWashington, D.C....
Rep. Vern Buchanan, Republican U.S. Congressman from Florida, is sending lying, anti-gay mailers to his constituents and he’s making you pay for them with your tax...
I like Trevor Thomas. Trevor first came on my radar when he was working for SLDN, working to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Remember all those “Stories...
In a shocking column published yesterday, The New York Times asked readers to respond to the question, “Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante?” Readers, commenters, and...
A GOP Congressional candidate says the Holocaust never happened, calls it “an international extortion racket by the Jews,” and adds that he believes it is “the...
Editor’s note: Limbaugh late Saturday afternoon issued an “apology.” Read our take on what it means: “How Rush Limbaugh’s ‘Apology’ Destroys Any Credibility He Had Left...
This is Part II. Please click to continue to Part III. Now, just as there was in Teddy Roosevelt’s time, there is a certain crowd in...
President Obama this morning addressed the United Nations on Palestinian statehood, and discussed the importance of supporting human and civil rights for gays and lesbians, and...