Many were outraged upon seeing the Instagram image. U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) called it "stomach turning" and "criminally threatening."
Stone Then Uses Threatening Image to for Donations
'Several Years Worth of Roger Stone’s Communications'
The self-proclaimed "dirty trickster" signaled an interest in cooperating with Robert Mueller.
Trump is "one of my oldest friends," who is "doing a great job of making America great again," Stone says.
"Greatest Witch Hunt in the History of our Country!" Trump falsely claimed.
"One of the senior officials who reached out to Stone was Steve Bannon."
Mueller alleges Stone talked with “senior members of the Trump campaign” about damaging information that WikiLeaks had obtained.
'Suggests Prosecutors Are Getting Ready to Bring a Charge'
Roger Stone is asking supporters to "help fight back" – by sending him money.
Stone is now refusing to provide documents or testify before the Senate.
What does he have on Trump?
"I am working with others," Stone wrote, to get Julian Assange "a blanket pardon."
'Proud to Be in This Crew' Stone Writes
Is Mueller focusing on Stone now?