Mitt Romney in essence just apologized to the terrorists who on 9/11 killed the American Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens. In an interview with ABC News’...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Yup. What else would Mitt Romney do after losing the presidential election, but go to Disneyland? A “tired and washed upâ€Â Mitt Romney yesterday afternoon was...
Mitt Romney last month attacked President Obama‘s environmental and economic policies by running an ad featuring dozens of coal workers who, as the world now knows,...
Famous film and TV producer Joss Whedon just came out in favor of voting for Mitt Romney, that is, is you’re looking forward to bringing forth...
Mitt Romney last week thanked Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council “for their leadership” in a pre-recorded video address to the Values Voters Summit, an annual...
As Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney directed his legal staff to investigate the circumstances surrounding the birth of each and every child born to same-sex parents, before...
Care to caption this photo of Donald Trump and Mitt Romney?   Related: Trump’s ‘Big News’ Falls Flat: $5 Million In Exchange For Obama Records...
Last night, and in his follow up attack ad today, Mitt Romney slammed President Barack Obama for not yet visiting Israel. But Romney will have to...
Ronna Romney, the ex-sister-in-law of Mitt Romney, recently posted to Facebook a montage of photos including a gruesome photo of the bruised body of the late Ambassador...
Tonight, Monday, October 22, 2012, is the third and last presidential debate between President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney. Bob Schieffer, host of CBS...
The Obama campaign, on the defensive after the President, by many accounts, “lost” the debate, is firing back hard at Mitt Romney (who, as usual, is...
Chris Matthews told GOP Chairman Reince Priebus that Mitt Romney, Priebus, and the GOP are playing the race card and attacked them for Romney’s birther joke on...
Mitt Romney, knowing full well his new vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan is being tied to Todd Akin‘s positions on women, rape, abortion, etc., today told...
Mitt Romney in this video tells a group of about 30 major donors that 47% of Americans are Obama supporters because they believe they are entitled...
Dr. Sally Ride‘s sister, Bear Ride, says that Mitt Romney and other politicians “can’t have it both ways” with gay people — praising their achievements yet denying...