Could Congresswoman Michele Bachmann lose her seat? A new poll shows Rep. Michele Bachmann in a statistical tie with her Democratic opponent, Jim Graves. The poll,...
Todd Akin has moved from radical right wing extremist to delusional politician desperately attempting to save what will me a devastating loss. Just take a look...
Chris Christie just can’t stop talking about — and to — President Obama. Friday night the New Jersey Governor posted to Twitter a photo of himself...
Rush Limbaugh yesterday suggested that Al -Qaeda “gave up Osama bin Laden” so President Obama could get re-elected, because keeping Obama in office “furthers the cause.” While...
Anderson Cooper came out today. Smart he did it on a Monday, not a Friday, so we have the week to talk about it. McKay Coppins at...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Nate Silver is gay, in case you didn’t know. Until yesterday, practically no one did. Silver is the incredibly accurate statistician who gave...
John Sununu, an outspoken top advisor to Mitt Romney, his campaign chair, and a Romney surrogate who frequently appears on TV news shows, yesterday told America...
Rush Limbaugh today blamed feminists — “feminazis” as he calls them — for news that a study shows men’s penises have shrunk 10% over the past...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Over 650,000 people have signed a petition asking Macy’s (NYSE:M) to dump Donald Trump after the Birther King and real estate magnate called...
Rush Limbaugh today was mocking President Obama, calling him a “joke,” “not authentically black,” saying “he doesn’t have slave blood,” and using a thug-like voice to impersonate...
Broadway stars and musical theatre performers got together to create the Obama re-election ad by turning Les Misérables’ “One Day More” into “One Term More.” The...
Jonathan Phelps, son of Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps, says that “absolutely” homosexuals — including gay men, lesbian women, and bisexual and transgender people — should...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; 2012 was a watershed year that historians — and all Americans — will look to as the moment reborn Democratic politics won...
The Republican National Committee, home of the Republican Party and the GOP, hosts several websites, including “RNC Women,” which has been dormant and has not been...
Today on the Rush Limbaugh show, Limbaugh was not retreating from his attacks on women and contraception. In a misogynistic and racist tirade, Limbaugh asked, “What is...