Here's the list of Congressmen who voted to make it nearly impossible for Syrian refugees to come to America.
Anti-gay Tea Party Republican Michele Bachmann is "clarifying" her comments that same-sex marriage is "boring" and "not an issue anymore."
Has Rep. Michele Bachmann changed her views on same-sex marriage? Was she just anti-gay to get a seat in Congress?
The president of the Catholic League is worried that gay men will not be able to remain clothed when marching in next year's St. Patrick's Day...
David Tyree, the former NFL wide receiver who in 2011 said he would trade his Super Bowl ring to stop same-sex marriage, now says he would...
Tennessee Tea Party Republican state senator Stacey Campfield just compared Obamacare signups for healthcare to victims of the Nazi Holocaust. In a post on his personal...
Perhaps a few decades ago, politicians could deny they had made vicious remarks and get away with it. But ever since the internet came into being,...
Scott Lively, one of the Republican candidates running to become the next governor of Massachusetts, envisions a world where all gay people voluntarily submit to so-called...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Michelangelo Signorile is a veteran journalist who began his career in the 1980’s. Today, he hosts his own daily show on SiriusXM Radio’s...
Christine Quinn was supposed to be New York City’s first woman mayor, and first gay or lesbian mayor. Now, it’s all but certain Bill de Blasio...
Pope Francis gave hope to millions of progressives worldwide, including the LGBT community and our allies, that the Roman Catholic Church would change into the religious...
Rep. Barney Frank has just released a lengthy, scathing statement defending comments in which he called gay GOP groups, especially the Log Cabin Republicans, “Uncle Tom,”...
CNN’s Anderson Cooper, who discreetly came out earlier this month — to great fanfare — is rumored to be planning a Labor Day weekend marriage in...
Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney told Congress in 2005 that same-sex marriage “may affect the development of children, and thereby future society as a whole.” Romney, testifying...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, yesterday on his radio program said, “The bill in...