Yesterday, a minority of Senators successfully filibustered a bipartisan bill that would have expanded background checks to close the gun show loophole. Nine out of ten...
President Barack Obama Thursday morning will attend the 61st annual National Prayer Breakfast, sponsored by the Fellowship Foundation, a radically conservative religious right evangelical organization known...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; The most useless and uninteresting politician on Twitter, Chuck Grassley, welcomed Pope Benedict XVI to Twitter today, tweeting “U will find it...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; In lengthy statement, LGBT activists label Anti-Homosexuality Bill “colonial homophobia,” and link its creation to American Evangelicals GetEQUAL has just issued a...
Republican senators are fighting Democrats over expanding the Violence Against Women Act because the new version would extend the law to cover lesbians in same-sex relationships and...
Update: For the complete list of how each Senator voted, read our report here. The U.S. Senate just moments ago passed the Democrat’s version of the...
Chuck Grassley, the senior senator from Iowa, called President Barack Obama “stupid” in a tweet this morning. Writing, “Constituents askd why i am not outraged at...
Jason Russell, the founder of the internationally acclaimed and criticized group Invisible Children, which released the viral video “KONY 2012,” was caught on tape calling his...
At today’s Senate  DOMA debate, Republicans wasted no time in attacking the Democrats’ repeal efforts, citing ludicrous arguments about procreation and religion. Equally offensive, Republicans are...
The DOMA repeal bill, known as the “Respect for Marriage Act,” was debated in the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning and passed by a 10-8 vote. Supporters and sponsors...
The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), the conservative Christian lawyers who are supporting Prop 8 in federal court, are beginning a push to force the IRS to...
It’s been an amazing week for gay civil rights! First the awesome DOMA Senate hearing, and now, news that Friday the Pentagon will certify the DADT...
Maggie Gallagher, Chuck Grassley, heck, maybe all conservatives (including Sarah Palin!)Â and anti-equality fear-mongers need to actually read the First Amendment. I’m sure if you’re reading this,...
Sotomayor On Gay Marriage… Sort Of. Senator Chuck Grassley today, in the Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court hearings, asked the Judge to comment on a particular gay...
House Oversight Committee Chairman Jim Comer (R-KY) Monday afternoon announced he will seek to obtain a contempt of Congress referral and conviction against FBI Director Chris...