var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; It took conservatives a mere 90 minutes past President Obama‘s 1:30 AM Election Day victory speech to float the idea of improving...
R. Clarke Cooper, the executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans. is trying to use ENDA as a wedge issue to get Mitt Romney elected. In a...
Pastor Joel Osteen, the famous Texas Evangelical megachurch televangelist, told Fox News that he doesn’t hate gay people, but given the way he interprets his Bible, he...
Anti-gay conservatives are to blame for the resignation of Richard Grenell (bio), Mitt Romney’s short-lived spokesperson for foreign policy and national security. It was assumed Grenell,...
It’s not only liberals and progressives and Democrats and lesbians and gays who love Rachel Maddow — apparently, Buzzfeed says, Conservatives love Maddow too. While I’m...
Freshman Tea Party Republican Rep. Joe Walsh, the U.S. Congressman from Illinois who is best-known as a dead-beat dad, over the weekend told supporters at a...
Republican Rep. Allen West, known mostly for his record of incendiary rhetoric and outright lies, now claims he did not tell President Barack Obama, Senator Harry Reid,...
Rick Santorum is promising that a President Santorum would make all pornography illegal — or, rather, he would hire an attorney general who would interpret current...
Maryland’s Bishop Harry Jackson, deeply in bed with both NOM and Tony Perkins, yesterday publicly attacked Barack Obama’s support of same-sex marriage, demanding to know if the...
Who is the reporter who interrupted President Obama on national television while he announced his new DREAM policy? Sources are saying it was Daily Caller reporter...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is childishly suggesting that the Obama For America campaign ad featuring actress Sarah Jessica Parker advocates polygamy and incestuous marriages....
Daily Caller writer Mark Judge tried really hard to be John Derbyshire, but just didn’t have the depth of thought to be a virulent racist, so...
Republican Rep. Allen West is known for his lies and half-truths, his racist and anti-gay comments, and his Nazi analogies and Nazi comments, possibly more than any other...
A Rick Santorum nephew wrote an op-ed, published yesterday in the conservative Daily Caller, titled, “The trouble with my uncle, Rick Santorum.” It didn’t get better...
Republican Congressman Allen West this week on several occasions told President Barack Obama to stay out of his district, Southern Florida, and labeled him arrogant, said his “true...