Despite Donald Trump saying John McCain is not a war hero, and bullying nearly every GOP candidate, he remains at the top of the latest polls,...
Donald Trump took the lead by a very healthy margin in a just released poll. Did his comments about John McCain help or hurt?
Donald Trump is taking serious fire from many GOP rivals for his comments attacking John McCain's war record.
Rick Santorum is calling for a constitutional amendment banning marriage from same-sex couples.
Marco Rubio moved one degree to the left on same-sex marriage, and now conservatives are over him entirely.
A new nationwide poll was just released, and you'll never guess who's at the top.
The GOP presidential hopefuls were only too happy to put someone on a pedestal because they talked about their Christian faith all the time - without...
As usual, Fox News is pulling the GOP's strings, and will limit the first presidential debate to just ten of at least 16 likely candidates. Take...
Rick Perry is the latest likely GOP presidential candidate to get asked "the question."
Ohio's GOP governor has a big ol' smile for himself after telling CNN he agreed, after giving it a lot of thought, to go to a...
The news isn't that Hillary Clinton is beating everyone else, it's by how much she's beating everyone else.
You just won't believe some of the names on this list of prominent conservatives and Republicans who want same-sex couples to have the legal right to...
A new poll out today confirms many charges liberals have been making against conservatives for years.
Fox News contributor and Tea Party thought leader Erick Erickson Saturday night made his beliefs about the President's faith crystal clear.
Jon Stewart Monday night had a great time mocking the candidates who spoke at the GOP's Iowa Freedom Summit this weekend, suggesting most will likely just...