var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; The Russian Orthodox Christian Church, from which President Vladimir Putin draws his base, is calling for a law to ban homosexuality in...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Sir Ian McKellen, whom the world knows as “Gandalf,” “Magneto,” and “King Lear,” has teamed up with 27 Nobel prize winners and...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; With just one day before the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi are set to begin, a new poll from Pew Research Center...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; It was less than a year ago that the name Dave Agema drew national attention — and outrage. Agema had posted on...
While Russia’s president Vladimir Putin today was telling the press that there is “no infringement on the rights of sexual minorities,” executives at the state-controlled Russian...
Probably the only less-transparent worldwide organization than the International Olympics Committee is the Vatican. And the manner in which both select new leaders is equally opaque....
  In this exclusive interview, well-known Russian journalist Oleg Kashin, who was nearly beaten to death in 2010, talks with The New Civil Rights Movement about Vladimir Putin,...
Dan Savage is furthering his campaign to boycott all Russian vodkas in response to Vladimir Putin‘s war on gays, ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympics in...
Editor’s note: As this story was published, Russia passed the bill by a unanimous vote, 434-0. Original story follows: Russia today is voting on a Vladimir...
Russia‘s now-infamous TV news anchor who said the hearts of gay people are “unsuitable” for life, only to defend himself against American critics this week who...
Harvey Fierstein penned a strong and informative op-ed in the New York Times yesterday, lamenting “the world has mostly been silent” on Vladimir Putin‘s war on...
Is President Vladimir Putin feeling the sting of months of international boycotts and scathing articles exposing his war on Russia’s LGBT community? On Russian television, the...
Adam Bouska just posted this photograph of Team Russia, for the NoH8 Campaign. Sixteen Russian athletes at the World Outgames 2013 in Antwerp, Belgium posed for...
Keith Olbermann had been off the airwaves for far too long. A sports fanatic, he certainly is at home now at ESPN, although many (yours truly...
An award-winning journalist, James Kirchick, who is gay, was invited by RT News — a Russian owned and government-funded news network — to speak about the...