Bradlee Dean talks with hate group leader Bryan Fischer about the prayer he delivered to the Minnesota House — which he was stopped from completing —...
There’s a new book out about the murder of Matthew Shepard that the right is using to claim Shepard was not the victim of an anti-gay...
President Barack Obama is “setting up the stage to take guns away from evangelicals,” according to Bryan Fischer, who says Christians have already been classified as...
Echoing Rick Santorum‘s comments that embracing same-sex marriage would be “suicidal” for the Republican Party, Bryan Fischer tells David Pakman that four million conservative voters “just...
Bryan Fischer apparently thinks lesbian and bisexual are the same thing. The American Family Association spokesperson yesterday claimed that Hillary Clinton “could be our first lesbian...
The radical Christian right is of the opinion that unconditional love is defined by telling the object of your affection the “truth.” And, sadly, their “truth”...
Bryan Fischer yesterday claimed that “homosexuality in the end is going to be responsible for the collapse of the Western economy.” Fischer, the public voice of...
Bryan Fischer yesterday on his radio program threatened that “flaming homosexuals…Â wearing stilettos, a dress and dangly earrings” would apply for jobs in Christian bookstores if ENDA...
Bryan Fischer today published an op-ed titled, “We have forgotten God. That’s why all this has happened,” in which he blames the American Civil Liberties Union...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Bryan Fischer says that since “Adam wasn’t even an eyewitness to his creation,” only God can know how old the earth is —...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Bryan Fischer in this video clip tells David Pakman that the reason voters in four states sided with the LGBT community on same-sex...
No, gay people are not going to steal your children — but Bryan Fischer believes it’s his duty to Christ to steal the children of gay...
Bryan Fischer yesterday on his radio program said that gays are “seething” with a “dark, venomous, demonic hatred,” and claimed there is “a heterophobic hatred, there...
Bryan Fischer says the GOP shouldn’t be trying to help Hispanics in America and shouldn’t pretend they will become Republicans, rather, the GOP must “clamp down”...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};President Obama committed the sins of lust and greed on national television yesterday when he said he wants to raise taxes on the...