Fox New anchor Neil Cavuto slammed Michele Bachmann Wednesday over her reasoning for suing President Obama and claims there was a conspiracy between the Obama administration...
Michele Bachmann tonight is leading the third-annual Christian led prayer event inside the nation’s Capitol, Washington — A Man of Prayer. The event is a prayer...
There’s little question that four-term Rep. Michele Bachmann is one of the most-mocked and least-respected people in Congress today. Were it not for her impending “retirement”...
// <![CDATA[ var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; // ]]> Is there any hypocrite bigger than Michele Bachmann? The failed Tea Party U.S. Representative who will not seek...
Poor Michele Bachmann. At 57, she’s gone from building her political career on the backs of gay people, to seeing her home state of Minnesota first...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Remember Tea Party Republican Congressman Tim Huelskamp’s epic meltdown Tuesday night, when Rachel Maddow invoked actual journalism on him? Remember how he...
Right Wing Watch put together this three minute video, a “best of,” (worst of?) Michele Bachmann‘s craziness.
Rep. Michele Bachmann will not seek re-election at the end of her term next year. The Tea Party Republican extremist, who very narrowly won re-election last year...
After two weeks of mediocre shows, Bill Maher hit a home run Friday night, in large part thanks to two of his five guests: MSNBC’s Chris...
Retiring Tea Party Republican U.S. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann recently gave an interview to World Net Daily, a radical birther website home to hate mongers like Bradlee...
Michele Bachmann says she is not going away, and may run for another public office. — even possibly president, although that’s not her “number one item.” The Minnesota...
Michele Bachmann is facing a congressional ethics probe into possible campaign finance law violations. Yes, the Republican Congresswoman who sees deviance and divisiveness around every corner,...
Michele Bachmann today stood on the House floor and claimed, falsely, that Obamacare will “literally kill people.” “That’s why we’re here because we’re saying let’s repeal...
Failed GOP presidential candidate and Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann Thursday introduced the first bill into the new, 113th Congress, and it wasn’t the Violence Against Women...
Michele Bachmann says she quite proud that she didn’t get anything wrong during the presidential debates and considers herself “a virtual Wikipedia.” “I was very proud...