var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; The recent spike of anti-LGBT legislation and animus out of Russia has been as wrenching as it’s been publicized. Videos, reports, coverage...
President Barack Obama tonight spoke for fifteen minutes on the crisis in Syria, and concluded that taking military action against Syria will make the world safer...
Today at 5:00 PM local time, Minnesota Democratic Governor Mark Dayton signed same-sex marriage into law. Couples can begin marrying August 1. The bill was passed...
The “First National Gun Appreciation Day,” conveniently scheduled for Saturday, January 19, Robert E. Lee Day — widely observed in the South to honor the Civil...
The state of Tennessee has revoked the handgun carry permit of James Yeager, the Tennessee CEO of Tactical Response, after he posted a YouTube video threatening...
The number of conspiracy-fueled anti-government “patriot” groups has increased more than 900% since President Barack Obama‘s election in 2008, growing from 149 to 1360. These groups...
The CEO of Tactical Response, a Tennessee-based company that provides weapons training and gear, posted a YouTube video in which he threatens to “start killing people”...
A Pennsylvania judge says he will rule quickly after hearing a case today on whether or not a county clerk had the right to issue marriage...
Have you heard Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s response to a local Christian pastor and radio-show host who asked him why people should vote for him...
Now that president Obama has won, and America has decided hate is bad, and being pro-choice, pro-women, pro-gays, pro-minorities pro-people over corporations, pro-jobs, and pro-health care...
Matt Drudge should be ashamed of himself, but we all know that will never happen. (By the away, Matt, Condi wasn’t Mitt’s VP choice…) Today Drudge...
In this video, progressive journalist David Pakman examines the religious right’s latest scam — “divine mathematics.” No longer are they satisfied with adding God into evolution and...
Ralph Reed‘s Faith And Freedom Coalition, whose goal it is to recruit and register Republicans and Evangelicals and Tea Party members to vote for Mitt Romney,...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; American Christian evangelist and missionary Franklin Graham says Americans “turned our back on God” by re-electing Barack Obama, and need to “resurrect...
The Obama campaign, and most of America, is tired of Mitt Romney‘s lies, and they’re finally calling him on it in a new ad refuting Romney’s...