In several key House and Senate races this year, the winner may look familiar to voters -- because he's also been their pastor or faith leader.
A Tea Party state lawmaker in South Dakota says he’s a true “Reagan conservative” — unlike his fellow Republicans — and that’s why he believes bakeries...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; The evangelical Christian leader who runs Newt Gingrich‘s Christian non-profit says that America’s Christians are experiencing unprecedented levels of persecution. Pastor Jim...
Republican U.S. Senator Rand Paul, clearly gearing up for a 2016 presidential run, recently hired David Lane of the anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, to be his director...
Failed former Republican presidential hopeful and anti-gay activist Mike Huckabee, is calling for a national day of prayer, advertising it with images and quotes from past presidents,...
Jodie Foster, the intensely private 50-year old award-winning actress whose silver screen career spans 47 years, Sunday night at the Golden Globes proved humanity, intelligence, independence,...
Bryan Fischer today published an op-ed titled, “We have forgotten God. That’s why all this has happened,” in which he blames the American Civil Liberties Union...
CNN’s Anderson Cooper, who discreetly came out earlier this month — to great fanfare — is rumored to be planning a Labor Day weekend marriage in...
Billy Graham, who endorsed Mitt Romney for president last week, then scrubbed his website of all references calling the Mormon faith a “cult,” still believes Mormonism...
One Million Moms is thrilled “The New Normal” — the hit show they are trying desperately to get NBC to cancel — mentioned them last week....
In 2006, Congressman Todd Akin stood on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to beg Congress “to preserve our civilization” by voting for a...
Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, says he wrote the Republican National Committee’s marriage plank for the RNC platform. Perkins, head of the certified...
No sooner had marriage equality been voted into law in New York on June 24, 2011, than the evil anti-gay-rights bigots of the National Organization for...
Rick Santorum yesterday joined many of the radical religious right’s brethren at the iPledge Sunday prayerfest and told followers that the Founding Fathers meant “pursuit of happiness” to mean...
GLAAD this morning announced a much-needed new project designed to hold accountable the anti-gay pundits all too often invited to speak on cable and other news...