Fourth Win Tonight for Democratic Nominee
Clinton Adds Significant Win on This Super Tuesday
Democratic and Republican Frontrunners Score Big on This Super Tuesday
Former Secretary of State Gets Second Win of the Night
Writes 854 Word Essay Calling for Eradication of HIV/AIDS and to 'Erase the Stigma'
Democratic Candidate Apologizes for Comments in Support of Nancy Reagan
Clinton Takes First of Four States Tonight
Clinton Takes Her First Super Saturday Win With Huge Margin
Two Democratic Presidential Candidates to Appear Night Before Michigan Primary
In Close Race, Clinton Beats Sanders
Exit Polls Show 8 Out of 10 South Carolina Voters Prefer an Experienced Candidate, Not an Outsider
Clinton Wins Highly-Influential Endorsement Of Democratic Statesman
Democratic Frontrunner Wins With 52 Percent
After Iowa Caucuses And New Hampshire Primary Two Candidates For Democratic Nomination Battle Tonight
Hillary Clinton Beats Bernie Sanders In Historically Close Race With Huge First-Time Turnout