President Donald Trump says he was “surprised” with last week’s historic Supreme Court ruling on LGBTQ workers’ civil rights, suggesting he was “supposed” to win. Trump...
Immigration and legal experts are weighing in on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that President Donald Trump violated federal law. The Chief Justice ruled Trump cannot arbitrarily...
This article first appeared in Michelangelo Signorile’s Substack newsletter. To see the article in its original location or to subscribe, click here. In a piece in...
In the photo above are the easily-identified Senator Mitch McConnell and the not as easily-identified federal Judge Justin Walker, 37, who is giving the U.S. Senate...
One Purely Partisan Vote President Donald Trump has been acquitted on both articles of impeachment, but the acquittals are not exonerations. The first article, abuse of...
Former American Constitution Society president Caroline Fredrickson has some harsh words for U.S. Senator Susan Collins over the Maine Republican lawmaker’s statement on the John Bolton...
After three days of House impeachment managers’ brilliant prosecution of President Donald Trump – and “prebuttal” of the arguments the president’s team was expected to make – White...
The news was so shocking some thought it was fake. But as CBS News reports, the White House is threatening Republican Senators to not vote to...
The U.S. Supreme Court has just issued a temporary stay blocking a House subpoena that would require the release of President Donald Trump’s financial documents. Chief...
"Does he think LGBTQ people are just hanging out at home not working?"
On Tuesday the Court will hear arguments in three landmark cases that could decide the future of the LGBTQ community's rights to work.
A week-long Senate trial would wrap up only a month or so after impeachment.
Donald Trump - you're fired.
Kagan, Ginsberg, Breyer, and Sotomayor dissented.
Most Americans still don't see what's going on, right in front of them.