The Democratic President of the Senate in Maryland is urging “Evangelicals, Catholics, African Americans” to oppose an upcoming gay marriage bill, and to vote against one...
In today’s New Hampshire primary vote, Mitt Romney — who also won Iowa — handily placed first with 36% of the vote. Ron Paul (25%) came...
Perry Hints He’s Quitting GOP Race In a dead-heat three-way tie almost the entire evening, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, and Mitt Romney all averaged about 25%...
Todd Palin, not Sarah Palin, has just endorsed Newt Gingrich for President. Deferring to his wife, however, Todd Palin added that Sarah had not yet decided “who...
AÂ Magellanic penguin rumored to be a Ron Paul supporter took a nip at Newt Gingrich today while the Republican presidential candidate toured the St. Louis Zoo....
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, in a fundraising email blast to supporters claimed yesterday that “We also do not use the marriage issue to elect...
Tonight, Saturday, January 7, the GOP will hold its 19th Republican and Tea Party debate, this time sponsored by ABC News, Yahoo!, and local Manchester, New Hampshire TV WMUR. The...
The New York Times‘ editorial board today suggested the recently unsealed memos from NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, refute their designation as a “social welfare organization”...
Sarah Palin last night tried to explain to Fox News why she voted for Newt Gingrich, but instead spewed strange and incomprehensible conspiracy theories and old...
Franklin Graham, the son of Evangelical leader Billy Graham, dropped a bombshell today on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” strongly questioning President Barack Obama‘s faith as a Christian,...
CNN has just announced they predict Rick Santorum will win the Missouri primary. There are no actual delegates for this primary and Newt Gingrich was not...
The Republican party of Virginia hid behind a ridiculously tedious law has only permitted two names onto the March Presidential Primary Ballot. In recent months, America...
Michele Bachmann has a history of getting history wrong, but this time it’s her metaphor that really offends. Bachmann, a white upper-middle class married Evangelical Lutheran...
NOTE: For the October 18 debate information, click here.  Here’s all you need to know to watch the GOP Republican Party debate! WHEN is the debate? Tonight,...
Tanya Domi and Clinton Fein met 20 years ago when acclaimed author Randy Shilts was writing his tour de force book, “Conduct Unbecoming: Gays and Lesbians...