An über-conservative pundit who writes for the über-conservative Washington Times claims that via voter fraud, Democratic Senator Al Franken stole the election from Republican Norm Coleman, and...
New York Times columnist Frank Bruni today, in “The Right’s Righteous Frauds,” takes on Bristol Palin and other radical right wing hypocrites who have decided “personal...
Without genuine bravery, all of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s brashness amounts to nothing more than the predictable disrespect and petulant tantrum throwing of a standard...
Subverting a democracy already pushed and pulled into something stranger than a Doctor Dolittle Push-Me–Pull-You, more tenuous than Fred MacMurray’s “Flubber,” and more falsehoods-filled than Pinocchio,...
You may forever link the neologism created by Dan Savage, “Santorum,” with Rick Santorum, but many — especially those politically active — link Rick Santorum with...
From Fred Phelps to Tony Perkins to Bryan Fischer to Rick Santorum to Rick Perry, “God hates fags” — the concept — is at the very...
For the past day, rumors (and published reports) that Donald Trump would be endorsing Newt Gingrich today were coming fast and furious. This morning, the first...
The name Rick Santorum has become synonymous with several things, mostly the neologism “santorum,” and a radical religious right position on so-called “social issues.” But did...
Rick Santorum tonight slammed GOP rival Newt Gingrich and stole both Mississippi and Alabama. Gingrich claimed his “Southern strategy” was predicated upon winning both states, yet...
At last night’s GOP debate, Newt Gingrich played his usual “attack the debate host” game, and criticized the “elite media” for questioning Republican candidates on birth...
Turns out, Newt Gingrich doesn’t know much about anything, including electric cars, gas prices, Volts, and guns. Via The Hill: GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gringrich made...
Gallup’s latest tracking poll puts Rick Santorum 10 points above Mitt Romney. Via Gallup: In the Feb. 15-19 Gallup Daily tracking rolling average, Santorum is ahead...
Despite years of anti-Obama rhetoric, lies, and distortions by the GOP, RNC, and their boss, Rupert Murdoch and his Fox News, Wall Street Journal, News Corp....
Rick Santorum Tuesday night won all three caucus states: Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado. Colorado was exceptionally close, with only one percentage point — representing a few...
Newt Gingrich comes in a “distant second” to Mitt Romney in the Florida GOP primary. Currently NBC News is projecting Romney with 47% to Gingrich’s 31%....