var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; After hearing over four hours of explanation and testimony, a Republican-led Indiana House committee has just advanced a bill that would place...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; It was less than a year ago that the name Dave Agema drew national attention — and outrage. Agema had posted on...
The list of comparisons Christian conservatives have made up to respond to the Supreme Court’s decisions last week supporting the rights of same-sex couples to marry...
Welcome to the world of Todd Starnes, the radical religious right, and Fox News “journalism.” Todd Starnes is Fox News‘ religion reporter. He appears on the...
Donald Trump seems to be re-entering the possible Republican presidential candidate pool. The twice-divorced thrice married multi-billionaire father of five whose been an Independent, a Democrat, and...
The latest faux outrage brouhaha being peddled by right wing hate and fear merchants is one slide from an unofficial U.S. Army Reserve training course on...
Docs show sociologist Mark Regnerus was fed talking points assuring his neutrality on marriage debate; recent actions suggest otherwise.  “You are a researcher, not an...
In a premeditated and coordinated act, over 1000 religious leaders — preachers, pastors, and priests — across the nation have pledged to preach against same-sex marriage...
The Delaware Senate just passed a same-sex marriage bill into law, making “the First State” the eleventh to extend marriage to same-sex couples. As expected, the...
Last week we reported that a Manchester, New Hampshire jury took almost no time at all to convict  Lisa Biron, an attorney allied with the Alliance Defense...
An op-ed by a leading Christian conservative in the National Review is getting a great deal of attention for its ludicrous claim that Jesus wants you to...
The anti-gay positions and hate speech of America’s religious right extremists — including anti-gay groups like NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, and the so-called “pro-family,” anti-gay hate groups,...
The Alliance Defending Freedom just published this cutsey anti-gay marriage video that attacks President Obama and compares same-sex marriage equality supporters to racists and polygamists. Amusing,...