On Thursday, footage emerged of police in Buffalo, New York pushing an elderly man to the ground, and refusing to help him as he lay bleeding...
President Donald Trump late Friday afternoon and evening ended the week by firing three administration and White House officials, he blames for his impeachment in a...
Legal experts have said Trump's remarks amount to obstruction of justice and witness intimidation.
Trump is actively working to neuter the Mueller investigation. And Republicans are looking the other way.
Face Disfigured
The Cover Up Began Immediately
Charged With Conspiracy to Defraud the United States
“He’s my guy.”
There is no $110 billion arms deal with the Saudis.
“There was no attempt to interrogate him. They had come to kill him.”
Is President Trump is using the reputation and good name of America to defend a state-sanctioned murder?
Velshi talks indictments and impeachment on MSNBC.