Republican Governor Vetoes Vermont’s Gay Marriage Bill  Jim Douglas tonight vetoed his state’s gay marriage bill. The bill was finalized and voted upon at 5:18...
Just Four Votes Needed For An Override  Tonight, the Vermont Senate finalized and voted on the gay marriage bill that has passed by a huge...
BREAKING! We Make Queerty!  Yesterday, Bil Browning, founder of the famous The Bilerico Project, and Michael Crawford, editor of The Bilerico Project, D.C., created #samesexsunday on...
Nine Years In The Making, eHarmony Makes Out Well With Gays. In November, eHarmony was forced, after a three year investigation by New Jersey’s Attorney General, to...
Palin Picks AG Who Says Gays Are “Immoral”, “Degenerates” Alaska Governor Sarah Palin named Anchorage lawyer Wayne Anthony Ross as her new attorney general on Thursday....
Bid to Remove Civil-Rights Protections for Gays Fails. In Gainesville, Florida, last Tuesday, voters “rejected a charter amendment, 58 percent to 42 percent, that would have...
“Pushing That One Down The Road A Little Bit” Isn’t Flying With Gays Friday, President Obama laid out his plan “to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-Qaida...
Obama’s Call For 21,000 Troops To Afghanistan Makes Gay Troops Indispensable  Today, President Obama announced far-reaching plans that commit the United States to aggressive action...
Groups Say Maine Gay Marriage Law Good For Kids: Groups representing social workers, psychologists and children’s interests spoke out in favor of a gay marriage bill in...
Obama Chose To Follow “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursueâ€.  President Obama hosted an “Online Town Hall” today. Americans were invited to ask questions in...
NYC Mayor In Prep For Third Term Race Does The Right Thing, Almost  Michael Bloomberg, billionaire, CEO, Mayor of New York, Independent. Back in 2007,...
DO THIS NOW! CLICK HERE: Ask Obama Your GLBT Questions! Via the HRC: President Obama announced yesterday that he will be hosting an online “town hall†on the White...
Jim Douglas Threatens To Veto Hugely Popular Vermont Gay Marriage Bill America is faced with great struggles right now, not the least of which are the...
Vermont’s Republican Governor Jim Douglas, ahead of the final vote in the Vermont House tomorrow, has come out to say he will veto the bill if...
24 year old Meghan McCain told Larry King last night that she “believe[s] in gay marriage.â€