"They don’t have the capacity to understand what we’re trying to accomplish," DeVos said.
Diocese says "to make accommodations for such persons would be to cooperate in the immoral action."
"I do know that," DeVos says coldly. "I'm aware of that data."
"We follow the law as this body has defined," DeVos claims – despite having tossed out hundreds of discrimination complaints without investigating them.
DeVos plans to rescind Obama guidelines that protect Black and other minority students from racially-motivated punishments.
"Secretary DeVos is still dragging her feet."
DeVos has around the clock security provided by the U.S. Marshals Service, unlike her predecessors.
DeVos Plans to Use Federal Funds to Subsidize Firearms Manufacturers and the Gun Lobby
DeVos has also "halted such investigations."
Another Assault on Minorities by DeVos
Just as she has with transgender students and disabled students, Betsy DeVos is targeting racial minority students – again. The Education Secretary held two separate listening sessions...
Change Made Secretly With No Public Statement or Opportunity for Public Comment
U.S. Marshals Service Cannot Disclose 'Nature of Threats Against the Secretary'
'It Seems Betsy DeVos Is on a Mission to Decimate Basic Protections for Students at All Levels'
DeVos Has Refused to State Children With Disabilities Deserve Equal Protection in Schools