Christie Compares ‘ChatGPT’ Vivek Ramaswamy to ‘Same Type of Amateur’ as Barack Obama in GOP Debate

Less than 30 minutes into the first Republican debate of the 2024 primary season, former Governor Chris Christie slammed political newcomer Vivek Ramaswamy, likening him to the controversial artificial intelligence known as ChatGPT.

Pointing his finger, Christie shouted he had “had enough,” after first attempting an uncharacteristic reserved pose earlier in the program.

Ramaswamy had come on strong, using his first answer as an opportunity to introduce himself despite Fox News not offering any time for introductory statements.

Leaning into his tough guy reputation, Christie hit Ramaswamy.

“I’ve had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like ChatGPT, standing up here,” the former New Jersey governor declared, as the audience howled.

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“The last person in one of these debates who stood in the middle of the stage and said, ‘What’s a skinny guy with an odd last name doing up here,’ was Barack Obama, and I’m afraid we’re dealing with the same type of amateur standing on the stage tonight.’

Smiling, Ramaswamy embraced the attention, opened his arms and said, “give me a hug.”

“Give me a hug just like you did to Obama,” Ramaswamy hit back, “and you’ll help elect me just like you did Obama. Give me that bear hug.”

NBC News reported in 2004: “‘Skinny kid with funny name’ rallies Democrats.”

Watch the exchange below or at this link.

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