Rick Scott Tells CPAC Democrats’ Policies Are ‘Evil,’ the ‘Militant Left’ Is the ‘Enemy’ and the ‘Greatest Danger We’ve Ever Faced’

U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) gave a lengthy speech at CPAC on Friday in Dallas, telling far right conservatives that Democratic policies are “evil,” the “militant left” is the “enemy” and “the greatest danger” America has ever faced while claiming Democrats are “wacky” socialists, and socialism is responsible for the deaths of 100 million people,

After calling U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) “one of the most principled individuals I know” who “will always stand up for what he believes,” Scott told attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference that the “militant left wing in our country has become the enemy within” and is “the greatest danger we’ve ever faced.”

Scott took his audience on a long tour of 20th century history, but along the way equated “the militant left” with “the woke left” who he says has now “seized…control of our economy, our culture and our country.”

He then equated “the woke left” with the entire Democratic Party, suggesting Democrats are socialists, and socialists are communists before declaring: “Socialism leads to two things, poverty and depression. Socialism is not a new idea. It’s one of the dumbest, oldest, most despised ideas of the 20th century that resulted in the deaths of 100 million people.”

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Scott is likely referring to mass killings under communist regimes, including the Holocaust, genocides, crimes against humanity, and even mass famines – none of which have anything to do with socialism or the Democratic Party.

“When you turn on the news at night do you even recognize the country you see?” Scott asked. “Are you worried for your family? Are you worried for your freedoms?”

“The woke left now controls the Democrat Party, the entire federal government, the news media, academia, big tech Hollywood, most corporate boardrooms, and now even some of our top military leaders,” he said.

“They are working hard to redefine our country, silence their opponents – and that means that each of you.”

“They are destroying everything they touch, and they’ve got their hands on everything. Here’s the thing about what they’re trying to destroy: American patriotism. Border security. American history. Gender. Traditional morality. Capitalism. Fiscal responsibility. Opportunity. Rugged individualism. Judeo-Christian values. Free speech. Law enforcement. Religious liberty. Parental involvement in schools. And even private ownership of firearms.”

“The woke left wants all of that gone. They want to end the American experiment,” he claimed.

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“They want to replace freedom with their control. The elites in the government are telling us what we can and cannot believe what we can think and what we can do. They want to completely control our lives. Woke government schools. Woke government run health care. Woke government run media. Woke government run everything. In their new socialist order, everyone will obey and no one will be allowed to complain. You do speak up, boom, you’re going to be canceled. Your views if you don’t conform with big tech, Fauci, or Neil Young, you’re gonna be taken off Spotify, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.”

“The militant left in America or the modern day version of book burners,” he said, one of his few remarks that drew applause.

Senator Scott continued his attack.

“The modern wacky left Democrat has never read George Orwell,” he continued. “They don’t know they’re making his predictions come true. Let’s be clear. What the militant left is now proposing is not simply wrong, it is evil.”

“It is evil and the results are evil,” he added, minutes later asking: “Is this the beginning of the end? Of America?”

“It’s time to take our country back.”

Watch a portion of Sen. Scott’s remarks below or at this link.




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