‘Not Credible’: Trump Doctor Slammed as ‘Propagandist’ and ‘Lying’ After Evasive Press Briefing Praising President

President Donald Trump’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley, is being blasted after briefing the press in what many see as his most evasive news conference to date. President Trump announced minutes before the briefing began that he was leaving Walter Reed and dangerously told Americans to “not be afraid of COVID.”

Dr. Conley admitted Trump is not cured, and is still in danger, but is being released anyway. And he repeatedly praised the president.

Dr. Conley refused to answer many reporters’ questions, including when Trump’s last negative test was, what his viral load is, how high his fever was, why he was not prescribed hydroxychloroquine, or even if Trump will be confined to the residence.

Even medical professionals blasted and corrected him.

“This president’s been the purveyor of super-spreader events for weeks,” said Dr. Irwin Redlener on MSNBC after Conley’s presser.

Very few, it seems, believe Conley’s performance, with some calling him a “propagandist” and others accusing him of “lying.”


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