‘Very Proud of Themselves’: Senior WH Official Says Trump Team Was ‘Celebrating’ Tear-Gassing Protestors at Church

The Trump White House is “celebrating” Monday evening’s gassing of protestors in Lafayette Park to clear the area so the President could walk to St. John’s Church to hold up a bible for a photo-op. President Donald Trump made the decision to hold a Rose Garden speech during which he threatened to deploy the Military throughout the country to “quell” protestors demonstrating over the police killing of George Floyd, then march to the historic house of worship.

“One senior aide was exuberantly telling friends the photograph of [Trump] holding a Bible in front of the church that had been attacked by vandals was an ‘iconic’ moment for the president,” Axios’ Jonathan Swan reports.

“But a senior White House official told Axios that when they saw the tear gas clearing the crowd for Trump to walk to the church with his entourage: ‘I’ve never been more ashamed. I’m really honestly disgusted. I’m sick to my stomach. And they’re all celebrating it. They’re very very proud of themselves.'”


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