Biden Destroys Trump for Teargassing Americans at DC Church: He Held Up a Bible – I Just Wish He’d Open One

Former Vice President Joe Biden blasted President Donald Trump for teargassing Americans protesting the police killing of George Floyd, while peacefully standing in D.C.’s Lafayette Park and at the famous St. John’s church. After clearing the area, Trump walked to the church for a photo-op, and held up a Bible.

Biden slammed Trump for “brandishing” the Bible and said: “I just wish he’d open it every once in awhile.”

“If he opened it he could have learned something.”

The former VP added, “In addition to the Bible, the president might also want to open the U.S. Constitution every once in awhile. If he did, he’d find a thing called the First Amendment.”

“This is a nation of values. Our freedom to speak is a cherished knowledge that lives inside of every American,” Biden declared. “We’re not going to let any president to quiet our voice.”

“They’re all called to ‘love one another, as we love ourselves.’ That’s really hard work. But it’s the work of America. Donald Trump isn’t interested in doing that work,” Biden chastised.

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Biden earlier criticized the President, who “used tear gas and flash grenades in order to stage a photo-op.”

He also went after Trump for being “more interested in serving the passions of his base than the needs of the people in his care.”

“For that’s what the presidency is: the duty to care,” he said. “To care for all of us. Not just those who vote for us, but all of us.”



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