Marco Rubio Concerned with Negative Press as Parkland Survivors Announce ‘March for Our Lives’ (Video)

Rubio Has Received $3,303,355 from the NRA

Student survivors of the country’s latest mass shooting in Parkland announced the nationwide “March for our Lives” on Sunday, prompting NRA-backed Florida Senator Marco Rubio to worry about negative press.

Several student survivors have gained national attention this week, including Emma Gonzalez for her passionate speech and Cameron Kasky for his powerful op-ed. The two were joined by fellow survivors David Hogg, Alex Wind and Jacqueline Coren on the Sunday morning talk show circuit, where they announced the nationwide “March for our Lives” and their #NeverAgain movement.

Appearing on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Kasky told host Nancy Cordes that “the adults in office have let us down. Absolutely. And fortunately we have a lot of support from the older generations here, but what we’re trying to do here March for Our Lives is say, the adult politicians have been playing around while my generation has been losing our lives.”

“If you see how they treat each other in the office, if you see the nasty, dirty things going on with them, it’s – it’s sad to think that that’s what they’re doing while seventeen people are being slaughtered, gunned down only yards away from where we’re sitting right now,” he continued. “And March for Our Lives has support from everybody. And at the end of the day this isn’t a red and blue thing. This isn’t Democrats or Republicans.”

“This is about everybody and how we are begging for our lives and we are getting support,” Kasky said. “But we need to make real change here and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.”


The video was shared by Florida Senator Marco Rubio, but not in an effort to bring awareness to the upcoming march or their calls for action. It was shared to complain about negative press.

“also hear how media again tries to inflame by falsely claiming I said ‘more guns laws won’t do anything,’” Rubio wrote. “Real quote? ‘more gun laws ALONE.’”

The New York Times has reported that Rubio has taken $3,303,355 from the NRA.

The March for our Lives is currently scheduled for March 24. The nationwide call to action’s website advises “the kids and families of March For Our Lives will take to the streets of Washington DC to demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools today.”

Donald Trump is scheduled to hold a “listening session” with high school students this coming Wednesday, the AP also reported Sunday, though the White House did not respond to questions about “what students would be attending the session.”

The president has spent the weekend far more concerned with Florida photo-ops and consumed by the Russia investigation.

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