Open Letter To Ted Cruz Spokesman Rick Tyler Who Says His Boss Doesn’t Pander On Same-Sex Marriage

Ted Cruz panders to high-money donors on same-sex marriage, which is disgusting considering what he tells homeschooling moms about gay people.

Ted Cruz is a politician, plain and simple. That would be OK if Ted Cruz didn’t pretend he wasn’t, that he is just a Washington outsider who has a consistent message that’s based on the Bible (as frightening as that sounds.)

Today, Cruz is in hot water after Politico leaked audio of Cruz telling high-money Manhattan donors at a Madison Avenue white shoe law firm that fighting same-sex marriage isn’t even on his top three list of priorities.

Cruz today told an audience that it’s no big deal, what he said in the audio is what he’s said all along on TV:

And just now, Cruz for President campaign spokesperson Rick Tyler took to MSNBC to try to slither his boss out of a mess that Cruz is claiming doesn’t even exist.

Cruz says what he told the donors behind closed doors is exactly what he’s said publicly on TV. Tyler challenged viewers to Google Cruz’s comments, and I agree, they should. In fact, let me save you all the trouble.

Sure, Cruz has told the late night hosts that he’s all about the Constitution, and that marriage is a states’ rights issue (which it’s not, but that’s not the issue at hand.)

But what Tyler and his boss won’t tell MSNBC viewers, or anyone else today, is what Ted Cruz tells audiences who wholly support his theocratic beliefs.

Take, for example, what Cruz told a group of Christian homeschooling parents back in April, when the national debate was over so-called “religious liberty” bills designed to write anti-gay discrimination into law.

LOOK: Ted Cruz’s Top 10 Anti-Gay Statements

“We look at the jihad that is being waged right now, in Indiana, and in Arkansas,” Cruz preached, “going after people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.”

In other words, gay people, Cruz said, are waging a jihad – which is an Arabic word for war against non-believers of Islam – against Christians.

I dare Ted Cruz to go on Seth Meyers’ show, or Stephen Colbert’s, or even on Fox News, and repeat those words. Even the majority of people who are opposed to same-sex marriage don’t see gay people who want to marry as – to use one of Cruz’s other favorite phrases – “radical Islamic terrorists.”

LOOK: So, Ted Cruz Has Something To Say About The Supreme Court’s Marriage Announcement…

I also dare Ted Cruz to go on national television and admit to the world that last month he accepted the invitation of a Christian pastor who has repeatedly called for gays to be executed, because, Jesus. Pastor Kevin Swanson has said, Bible in hand, that gays are worthy of death. Cruz knew this quite well even before he stood on stage with Pastor Swanson at the National Religious Liberties Conference. Swanson also said that AIDS is “God’s retribution.”

Will Ted Cruz also go on national television and admit his own father, whom he has said is his top advisor, claimed back in October that the next step on the agenda of LGBT activists is to legalize pedophilia?

And I dare Ted Cruz to go on national TV and repeat these words that he said on right wing radio, that “the modern Democratic Party” has “gotten so extreme and so radical in its devotion to mandatory gay marriage that they’ve decided there’s no room for the religious liberty protected under the First Amendment,” and calling same-sex marriage one of “the greatest threats we’ve ever seen…to religious liberty in America.”

I could go on and on, but I’ve made my point. Yes, Ted Cruz is a pandering religious fanatic. What he says on the late night talk shows or in polite company is one thing. He’s just a “constitutionalist,” who thinks social issues are for the states to decide.


Mr. Tyler, I dare you to get you boss to tell all of America what he says about gay people and same-sex marriage when he’s among friends, like the Christian homeschooling parents.

You’ve nothing to worry about. Your boss definitely hates gays more than probably any other GOP presidential candidate in this race. 



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Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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