'Weeks Not Months'
After eight years of dealing with the Obama administration, Trump and the Republicans seem unprepared.
'He's Not Even Hiding It'
Disturbing Image Depicts Putin to a 'T' – And Trump to a 'P'
Melania Trump appears to have cribbed the guidelines from an FTC pamphlet published under her husband’s predecessor, Barack Obama.
“I don’t really know, when everyone said that [of being a hero], it feels selfish,” James Shaw Jr. says.
"Mike Pence’s nefarious agenda has been allowed to fly under the radar for too long. He has become not only the most powerful vice president in...
"This guy swung an election," Conway said on live TV.
"I think there is a banner he can borrow."
The president has also “found himself increasingly isolated.”
'The South Seceded After Abraham Lincoln Got Elected and Then Assassinated Him'
“Eventually, it will happen.”
Second time Kelly has been caught face-palming during official White House business.
"Mr. Cohen negotiated yet another hush NDA, this time on behalf of a prominent GOP donor who had a relationship with a LA woman, impregnated her...
Trump refusal to testify likely means Mueller will release report ahead of schedule.