‘They Think It’s Their Right’ to Confront Conservatives
Lahren is more upset over the press secretary being politely asked to leave and getting her cheese plate comped than she is the thousands of children...
Conservative Fox News pundit says "female empowerment isn’t wearing a vagina on your head & begging for free things."
After Lahren Defended John Kelly's Racist Remarks She Had to Run to 'Fox & Friends' to Get Support
Lahren tweeted out a “game” she wants people to play.
Tomi Lahren contributes "less than nothing to this country, she exists only to make lazy white supremacists 'with low skills, low education, [barely] understanding the language'...
"They call it 'climate change,' I call it weather," Lahren says.
'Lord Knows I Take My Fair Share of Attacks and I’m Okay With That. It’s What We Signed Up For' Lahren Says
Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren is famous for making infamously idiotic statements.