"Steve sanded on each side of his chest for at least five minutes… Steve used a very coarse sandpaper to sand off the initials."
The Remnant Fellowship Church in Auburn, Indiana was forced out of their building after an offensive church sign, WTA-21 reported Saturday. On Wednesday, June 27, Remnant Fellowship...
'Let's Remember the Blessings That We've Been Given in This Amazing Country' Speaker Ryan Says
Another Attack on Racial Diversity and the Obama Administration
His Age Was a Factor
Hickman says straight people "ARE different" from gay people. "We work, have families, (and babies we make) enjoy and love the company (and marriage) of the...
'If the Majority of the School Board Were Christians, This Wouldn’t Be an Issue' Says Anti-LGBT Activist Graham
"The president told me in our meeting that he would not ask" a nominee if they would vote to overturn Roe, Collins insists.
'Just Trying to Share'
Lahren is more upset over the press secretary being politely asked to leave and getting her cheese plate comped than she is the thousands of children...
Anthony was "denied food and water, sexually abused, beaten and bruised, dangled upside-down from a staircase, forced to crouch for hours, locked in small spaces with...
'Within a Year Abortion Will Be Illegal in Half of the United States'
McConnell: "We will vote to confirm Justice Kennedy’s successor this fall."
"The boy reportedly told his mother 'he liked boys and girls.'"
'Homos Are Full of Demons' and 'Trump Is Love'