"I have committed to people in my community...to stand on the CDC’s desk and get the real data on vaccines."
Your tax dollars at work.
“The president does bear responsibility here.”
Huckabee Sanders regularly lies to reporters and to the American people.
Was It Satire? Maybe. But He Concludes People With Heart Disease, Diabetes, or HIV 'Should Not Look to the Public Dole for Relief'
"Chuck and Nancy must give us the votes to get additional Border Security!" Trump demands.
A felony would be covered under "high crimes and misdemeanors."
“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other...I will shut down the government.”
"Congressman, iPhone is made by another company."
'The Alpha in the Room'
"All three were yelling at each other, sparring openly and accusing each other of mischaracterizing comments."
The lies, the attacks, the smears all came from the right and the far right.
"We are ready to make public all correspondence."
"In death, he has exposed the utter moral bankruptcy of the leadership of both the most powerful country in the world and the most powerful country...
Butina bragged that she was a channel between Team Trump and the Kremlin.