Fox News calls anti-gay hate group head a “former police officer.”
"Christianity, it will cease to be publicly practiced. It’ll become against the law,” Cretella claims, with zero proof.
'God Does Not Create People That Way': Tony Perkins Blasts Buttigieg as 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing'
It will have taken about a year and a half, but it appears the President is likely to get his wish.
The Family Research Council appears on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of active anti-gay hate groups.
Congressman Pulls Out of Pastor Kevin Swanson's Conference
"LGBT activists are brainwashing children through graphic sex ed, medicating our children against our will, stealing our children through the courts," Christian "mommy" blogger claims.
Vice President Mike Pence and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins are two of the key players who reportedly “played a leading role” in drafting the...