Ron Gould, an Arizona Republican elected official with a strong history of anti-gay and anti-immigrant views who recently supported a colleague who made racist remarks says...
Too Toxic Even for Trump
Goes on Anti-LGBT Rage-Tweeting Attack
"There's no marriage to protect," Northcott says of legally-married same-sex couples.
One GOP Congresswoman has been lying about transgender troops, using demonstrably false numbers to exponentially inflate their medical costs.
"Come on," Cruz cries.
“He was blocking the doorway so I couldn’t get out because if I tried to get out through the doorway he was in front of, he...
President Trump specifically cited what he claimed were high costs of healthcare for transgender troops. That was false.
Brooks Claims Resolution 'Condemned Discrimination Against Lesbians, Homosexuals, Transsexuals, and the Like'
"The President – correct me if I'm wrong – has not condemned Steve King."
Claimed an anti-bullying bill could violate the free-speech rights of bullies, and voted for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.
White Nationalist Congressman King Votes 'Present'
"The incredible thing about the homosexuals is they are willing to destroy lives and destroy the whole fabric of society," Robertson falsely claims.
Owner wrongly claims not "a lot of good evidence out there that two men or two women can come together and have a really amazing effective family."
The Councilwoman is "a pro-gay-marriage politician – and that was problematic," says the school's priest.