Rachel Maddow last night examined the photoshopping of copyright protected photos by NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, and says, “caught you!” For more, read: NOM...
John Aravosis at AMERICAblog says, “Insurance doesn’t cover Gardisil, and it’s not “proven” that it helps prevent throat cancer, but I’m getting my shots anyway,” in...
Rachel Maddow Monday night eviscerated Rick Perry’s disavowal of the beliefs he wrote about in his nine-month old book, Fed Up! Perry now claims he never...
Anti-gay Christian rocker and youth minister Bradlee Dean says the reason he is suing Rachel Maddow is to protect kids from gays? Dean, who announced Wednesday...
Anti-gay preacher Bradlee Dean, who is suing Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, NBC, and the Minnesota Independent and its reporter, Andy Birkey, was scheduled to appear Wednesday on...
Bradlee Dean’s press conference announcing why he is suing Rachel Maddow, Andy Birkey, NBC, MSNBC, and the Minnesota Independent. Despicable. No further comment. http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=26977715&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=1&color=00adef&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0 Bradlee Dean’s...
Bradlee Dean, founder of You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International, a Christian youth ministry, today filed suit for “defamation” and “false light” against Rachel...
Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry created and will host The Response, a prayer rally thumbing its nose at the separation of Church and State. In this...
Senator John Ensign announced last night he would resign today. (Read his official statement here.) Rachel Maddow explores Ensign’s resignation, and reminds us on his amazing...
First, you must listen to this. Forward to 1:20 for the relevant clip, but listen to the end so you can hear Bradlee Dean claim that...
Bradlee Dean talks with hate group leader Bryan Fischer about the prayer he delivered to the Minnesota House — which he was stopped from completing —...
Rachel Maddow, the out and outspoken top MSNBC anchor, told her fellow TV anchors and media pundits, “I do think that if you’re gay you have...
On “The Rachel Maddow Show” last night, Rachel interviewed Tobias Barrington Wolff, a legal advisor to President Obama on LGBT issues, and a professor of law...
Maddow details the rocky start of Boehner’s House, his inability to get simple bills passed, and rank and file missteps. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640 Visit msnbc.com for breaking news,...
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