Attorney General Eric Holder today sent this letter to Senator Rand Paul after the Kentucky Tea Partier who filibustered John Brennan’s nomination suggested President Obama could...
Texas Governor Rick Perry has just signed the “Merry Christmas” bill, which protects schools from being sued for educating “students about the history of traditional winter celebrations,”...
“My First Rifle,” a gun made by Crickett, has taken down their Facebook and Twitter pages, and, in fact, their entire website since news broke early...
Heather Cronk has served as the Managing Director of GetEQUAL and today she announces an important change at the LGBT civil rights organization, in this exclusive...
The two-year old Kentucky girl who was accidentally shot by her five-year old brother with a Crickett brand “My First Rifle” survived for “more than an...
U.S. Senator Rand Paul delivered a speech to students at Howard University, an historically African-American college — which was possibly brave, since the Kentucky Tea Party/Republican...
U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader, thinks gun control and saving lives is funny business. Why else would he post to his Facebook page...
Ashley Judd just announced she will not run for Senate. The Kentucky native and successful actress was considering challenging Senate Minority Leader, Republican Mitch McConnell, but...
The State of the Union address has become the quintessential opportunity for the President — and the First Lady — to shape policy and perception. One...
Slams GOP Shutdown ‘Farce’ Talking about the GOP shutdown and Obamacare, President Obama yesterday asked workers at a Rockville, Maryland construction company what would happen if...
Tonight, Thursday, October 11, 2012, is the first and only vice presidential debate between Vice President Joe Biden and his Republican challenger, Congressman Paul Ryan. ABC News’...
The First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs, Mississippi refused to marry a Black couple who have attended regularly, because they are Black. The 129-year old Baptist church...
Sam Champion, co-anchor of ABC’s “Good Morning America,” announced at MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts’ wedding that he and his fiancé, Rubem Robierb, are getting married New Years...
Tonight, Wednesday, August 29, 2012,  speeches at the Republican National Committee Convention will begin at 7:00 PM Eastern Time, and feature Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul, John McCain, Pam Bondi, Sam...
George Stephanopoulos to be best man at wedding Sam Champion, co-anchor of ABC’s Good Morning America, sat down with George Stephanopoulos and his other colleagues this...