Today, Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association admitted on his radio program that the head of the Boy Scouts of America personally contacted him in...
Above is “a comparison of the unemployment rates in the first 42 months of the Reagan and Obama presidencies.” Republican U.S. Congressman Thaddeus McCotter, who ran...
GLAAD this morning announced a much-needed new project designed to hold accountable the anti-gay pundits all too often invited to speak on cable and other news...
Another anti-gay preacher Sunday came out against same-sex marriage in North Carolina, where citizens are currently voting on the anti-gay Amendment One, which would embed a...
On Sunday, New Hope Baptist Church Pastor Curtis Knapp told his parishioners in Seneca, Kansas the government has the power to kill all gay people, and is angry it...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is moving its failing Starbucks boycott into countries that support the killing of gay people for being gay. NOM has translated its...
Just moments ago, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals announced it will not re-hear the Prop 8 case “en banc.” You can read the complete, full,...
It’s not only liberals and progressives and Democrats and lesbians and gays who love Rachel Maddow — apparently, Buzzfeed says, Conservatives love Maddow too. While I’m...
Pastor Sean Harris must be having a really tough day. After he created a firestorm by advocating parents “punch” the gay out of their effeminate four-year old...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage today was hacked. So the hackers — who have yet to reveal themselves — took over the NOM blog, the...
NOM threatens HRC with federal investigation as they try to play victim by comparing the publication of a tax form with the Watergate scandal that rocked...
Howard Schultz, CEO of the Seattle-based Starbucks coffee retailer, tells a NOM plant that a board convened to discuss whether or not to support same-sex marriage equality and...
Pastor Sean Harris, who railed against homosexuality and told parents during Sunday’s service that they should beat their four-year old boys who showed any signs of...
On Sunday, Maryland Pastor Dennis Leatherman delivered a sermon titled, “Homosexuality & the Bible,” during which he said, discussing homosexuals, “Kill them all. Right? I will...
Bob Vander Plaats, whom regular readers know all too well as the man who tried to get what was essentially a bribe (isn’t that called “extortion”?)...